Friday, August 24, 2012

Ms. Lauren: Essay 1

"Who/ What/ Where will I be in ten years?"

           In ten years I hope to be doing what I am already doing now: teaching and living in other countries.  I will be 35 years old by then.  So hopefully my teaching skills will be much better than they are now, and I will have a lot of experience adapting to new cultures.  The country I want to visit most is Australia, but I think if I am teaching in ten years I would love to live in Africa.  There are so many needs there and people who need the love of God. 
           Who am I?  Well, these days I still lack the ability to lose control.  I always need control. I think it will be constant struggle for the rest of my life.  But in ten years, when I’m 35, well…I hope to be somewhat closer to letting God have more control and not me.  I hope to be someone who is teachable and never feeling like I have everything figured out.  I tend to think like that these days.  In ten years, I will be a woman who teaches, but learns more. 
           I will be a mother by then and, of course, a wife.  I will have two, maybe three children of my own by then with one or two adopted on the way.  There are too many children in this world without parents, so I want to give a home to some.  In ten years, my kids will be old enough to know Jesus and they will be excited about the gospel like my husband and I are.  They will also have an understanding of other cultures and people, having lived in multiple countries already.  In ten years, St. Louis will still be considered my home, my place of refuge, but it won’t be where I live. 
           In ten years, well, I have no idea where I will be then.  But I know who I am now and who I serve.  In ten years, as long as I am still doing that, then there is nothing else I need to know. 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren. You are a person who has a great patience and control! Also an amazing writer! I like all you wrote, especially but i know who i am now and who i serve. Thank you for creating a great blog to share our thoughts, feelings and encouragements.
