Friday, November 23, 2012

Jaehyoung Kim: Essay 4

A Huguenot Pastor views Protestant Reformation

     I’m very glad to share my experiences with you. Before sharing my experiences about what I’ve experienced during the Protestant Reformation in France, I want to introduce myself briefly. I was born as the third son in a Huguenot family. And after I got married, I became a pastor and served a small Huguenot church in Paris.

     For those who are not familiar with what ‘Huguenot’ stands for, I will explain about it. Huguenots are the French Protestants in 16th and 17th centuries. We had suffered under the severe persecutions under French government (Oxford). Most of the Huguenots were Calvinists, the Protestant who follows John Calvin. And I was a Calvinist, too.
     As most of you may know, Protestant Reformation began with Martin Luther nailing the Ninety-five Theses at the door of Wittenberg Church (McManners). Following Martin Luther, the French theologian John Calvin added supports to it and led Reformation in France. Most of his followers became leaders of Reformation in France and led many people in France to convert to Protestantism.
     My great-grandfather was the first person among my family who converted to Protestantism. After him, most of my family members accepted Protestantism. But since Protestantism was forbidden during 16th century, they were required to have worship services in secret. Since 1523, when the first French Lutheran Jean Vallière was burnt at the stake, uncountable Huguenots were persecuted and burnt at the stake (Gwon).
     During his age, however, the proportion of Huguenots tremendously increased and the confliction between Protestant and Catholic was inevitable. And finally, the French Wars of Religion occurred, after the Massacre at Vassy in which many Protestants were killed by Catholics (Holt). During the war, uncountable people among both Protestants and Catholics were killed and the repetitions of revenges were made back to back.
     Catherine de Médicis, who was the mother of Charles IX and the actual ruler during her son’s reign, tried to persuade Huguenots with Colloquy of Poissy, which promised the most basic form of freedom of worship to Huguenots (Britannica, Catherine de Médicis). But it was not a law and was not actually executed. So the war continued.
     In 1562, the war was seemed to be concluded when Catherine de Médicis issued Edicts of January, which allowed a limited freedom of worship to Huguenots. By Edicts of January, Huguenots having a license from government were allowed to have simple worship services, with safeguards observing them (Britannica, Catherine de Médicis).
     But in fact, Edicts of January was unceasingly flouted. Huguenots were still persecuted frequently and requests of the license for worship service were usually denied. In 1569, Philippe de Gastine and his son, who arranged a meeting of Huguenots, were sentenced to death at the Place de Grève, in where a cemetery of Huguenot martyrs was located (Gwon).
     Moreover, on 24 August 1572, the infamous Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre took place. Catherine convinced Charles IX that Huguenots are on the brink of rebellion. And Charles IX, who was completely deceived by Catherine, ordered assassination of all Huguenots in France. About 3,000 Huguenots were killed in Paris and over 70,000 Protestants died in France (, including my grandparents.
     However, after the death of Charles IX, Henry III and Henry IV came to throne. They were much more generous to Huguenots. They made constant efforts to arbitrate between two parties. And finally, Henry IV ended the wars completely in 1598 by the Edict of Nantes (Doopedia). More than 30 years of war was ended.
     Edict of Nantes granted us the full civil rights and freedom of public worship service. A special court called the Chambre de l'Édit was established in order to deal with disputes arising from the edict. And even our pastors could get financial supports from state. We could build strongholds for protecting ourselves from attacks and they were named ‘places de sûreté’ (Britannica, Edict of Nantes). It was the age of freedom and liberty for us.
     But when Louis XIV came to throne, the situation changed completely: it became worse than before. In 1679, he issued a series of more than 125 documents, limiting the liberties of Huguenots including the freedom to worship (Britannica, Louis XIV). Public worship services were forbidden, and the strongholds that we built were captured by national armies. The supports toward Huguenots pastors were restricted. And schools were forced to teach children in Catholic manners.
     Things got worse in 1685. Louis XIV officially revoked Edict of Nantes by Edict of Fontainebleau. Moreover, he instituted these new policies: All Huguenot church buildings were to be destroyed, No public or private Huguenot worship services were to be allowed, Ministers who would not convert to Catholicism had to leave the country within 10 days or be put to death, Children born to Huguenot parents were to be baptized by Catholic priests and raised as Catholics; Huguenots (except ministers) were forbidden to leave the country (Combee).
     As a result of these policies, Huguenots in France almost disappeared into thin air. Many Huguenots had escaped to foreign countries to keep their faith, though they were sentenced to death if captured. And those with little faith converted back to Catholicism. 
     Since I was a pastor, I was also forced to be out of my country. And as John Calvin did, many Huguenot pastors including me went to Geneva, Switzerland, in which the freedom of religion existed.
     As mentioned on Bible, nation without healthy church couldn’t prosper (New Living Translation, Isaiah 14). Since most of the Huguenots were professions in their job such as professors or technicians, the country’s economy got worse than ever (Knecht). The corruption of Catholic Church didn’t cease and the daily life of innocent people became catastrophic.
     This is my entire story. And I would like to end by saying this. Having the freedom to worship can only be done by God’s grace. So if you have it, always be joyful, never stop praying, and be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus (New Living Translation, 1 Thessalonians 5).


Britannica. "Catherine de Médicis." Encyclopædia Britannica.
          Chicago: Britannica Inc., 2012.
Britannica. "Edict of Nantes." Encyclopædia Britannica
          Chicago: Britannica Inc., 2012.
Britannica. "Louis XIV." Encyclopædia Britannica.
          Chicago: Britannica Inc., 2012.
Combee, Jerry H. History of the World in Christan Perspective
          Florida: A Beka Academy, 2006.
Doopedia. "Huguenots Wars." Doopedia
          South Korea: Doosan Corporation, 2012.
Gwon, Hyeonik. "The Footsteps of French Reformation:
          Huguenots Martyrs." ChristianToday
          South Korea: ChristanToday. 2010. "Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre - 
          This day in History." 2012. 23 November 2012 
Holt, Mack. The French Wars of Religion.
          New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Knecht, Robert. The French Religious Wars
          London: Osprey Publishing, 2002.
McManners, John. The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity
          New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
New Living Translation. "1 Thessalonians 5." Holy Bible
          Illinois: Tyndale House Foundation, 2007.
New Living Translation. "Isaiah 14." Holy Bible
          Illinois: Tyndale House Foundation, 2007.
Oxford. "Huguenot." Pearsall, Judy. Oxford Dictionary
          Chicago: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lianne Essay3: My argument for

My Argument for Animal Testing

  Today more and more medicines are invented and medical techniques are amazingly developed. Here's the question. How can this happen? There can be many reasons like the discovery new materials, invention of medical machines and so on. However the biggest factor which have the decisive effect is the animal testing.

  So, what is a animal testing? Animal testing also known as animal experiment is having experiments on animals to know if it's appropriate for humans to use. On the basis of  bioethics, animal testing is becoming a serious problem and many people are opposed to it. However, I agree with animal testing.These are the following reasons: animal testing is necessary for better life, it had been a great help from past to present , we have no choice but animal testing, and enough of animal testing is okay. 

  To start with. animal testing is necessary for better life for everyone. In the world, a lot and lot of people are having hard times with their health problems. People in the poor countries are dying because of lack of nutrients. They need to be cured by medicines. What about the people with disease that doesn't have any solutions yet? To help them, we have to invent right treatments and medicines for them as soon as possible. We need to give them a better life. 
  Secondly, animal testing had been a great help from past to the present. Animal testings are usually used in inventing products that are necessary and also easy to be reached in our lives. The typical ones are medicines, cosmetics, and also food. It's used everywhere! So even people who disagrees with animal experiments are using those things naturally not knowing they were animal tested. We need to use those things to keep our body so I say that the animal tests are really close to us than we think and helped us and made a better life.

  Thirdly, we have no choice but animal testing. The time when the medical techniques developed the most was during the World War II. This was the time when people had most medical experiment on a living body in formally and informally. Through this, the medical techniques developed enormously. Plenty of people have died through this with no reason and this kind of experiment never have to be happened again. However, we still need to have higher quality of medical skills and more medicines have to be invented.

  So what I mean is that animal testing is an unavoidable choice for the development of medical. From the animal's perspective it can be sad but by their death we can save more and more people. Through the research, I found out that their is a kind of experiment using the animal cell. However, this is not enough to replace the animal testing. It's hard to find out the right result. Until we find the better way, we have to use the animal testing.

  Lastly, enough of animal testing is okay. Some scientists do animal experiments for no reasons. Some scientists do some experiments for useless purpose. Not for the development of science or medical but to know the limitation of the invented animal. I think that's an awful experiment giving the animal only pain. Except of experiments like this, I think enough of animal experiments are good.

  To conclude, animal testing have to be held. It's a big social problem and has both good effects and also some problems. I think it has more positive effects so I agree with it. However, from the process of the experiment we should think from the animal and have to know what we are doing this for not just hurting the animals. We should keep the animal testing until other kinds of experiments can replace it but treat them nicely!  Animal testing had been a great help for us and we have to thank for them.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Examples for the Research Paper

Dear Students, 

Here are a few examples of this kind of research paper you are doing.  I hope this will help you. 
You can find out more information from this website where I learned about this kind of research writing style.

Aaron's Story: The Invasion of Normandy

Some shining examples of quality research resulted. Perhaps the best paper came from Aaron, who not only chose to write about the invasion of Normandy, but also took an unusual slant by using a German soldier as his narrator. He explains,
I chose to take the viewpoint of a German soldier for this topic because I had never seen it done before; most of the time, when this topic is chosen, people chose to take the Allies' viewpoint. An Axis narrator seemed unique and offered a more challenging perspective to write from. I had to find facts that the German defenders would be concerned with, not facts that would have been significant to Allies alone.
His account begins when a German soldier intercepts portions of a radio broadcast of what he believes to be a speech by General Eisenhower rallying his troops for the upcoming battle.
The radio operator was saying "It sounds like they're planning an invasion. They aren't serious, are they?"
"It wouldn't matter if they were," said Rudolf, our battalion's staff sergeant. Of anyone in the 352nd Division, he was by far the most confident about the strength of the Atlantic Wall and its designer, Oberbefehlshaber Rundstred (author, page number).
"They'll never pass all the hedgehogs and tetrahedrons we've scattered around; they'll scuttle any ship that gets too close. And that big barbwire mound. They'd have to get past that! And if they did, well, they'd still have to get past those trenches outside, then up 30 meters up the cliffs. They don't stand a chance."
At that moment there came the muffled sound of an explosion in the distance; Rudolf fell silent. It came again, and again, closer and closer. A second later, the entire bunker was shuttering under the impact of what had to be a bomb. What was going on?
We made our way into the bomb shelter on level ground. My entire battalion was down there. We were trapped. We waited for hours while the bombs continued dropping. Akaim managed to get a radio working; we received reports that this was happening all along the Wall.
It had to be about five in the morning before we noticed the barrage had stopped. We were so relieved. About a half an hour after we had resurfaced Rudolf gave a sudden intake of breath. He handed me the binoculars and directed me towards the horizon. I dropped the specs over the side of the bunker out of shock.
There were ships.

The End


Source 1:...........

Source 2:..............
Aaron goes on to relate the eventual defeat of the German army. His narrative is loaded with facts that include the designer of the wall, the weaponry, the landscape, the German trench system along the beach, known as Widerstandnesters, and the time frame.
One specific fact Aaron uncovered really sticks out to me as an example of "stuffing" his account with detail that was accurately researched. He discovered that a pair of Ranger scouts disabled the artillery at Point du Hoc with thermite grenades that melted the mechanisms used to fire the guns, rendering them useless. As the narrator's situation deteriorates, this is how he relays this information:
The radio sounded off behind Akaim. As he checked it, his faced paled. "Point du Hoc has fallen," he said quietly. "The Americans sent their 1st Ranger's Division to take the Point."
"What happened?" cried Haans over the gunfire.
"Two scouts melted the firing mechanisms with thermites," said Akaim.
"We had received intelligence that the Rangers were planning something, so we moved the artillery back off the cliff. It didn't matter, though. The guns are useless, and the scouts have disappeared."

Zhiyun's Story: The Trail of Tears

Some students came upon intriguing and significant historical problems as they researched and developed their narratives. Zhiyun wrote about the Trail of Tears, the Indian removal that took place in the 1830s. One problem she encountered was that many of the first-hand accounts she found were very biased. She explains,
As I started to research, I realized that most of the first-hand accounts came from an American point that was severely slanted against the Indians. I realized that there were very few accounts from white men sympathetic to the Indians. Thus, my narrator was born. He was to be a soldier directly involved in the removals but with a pro-Cherokee point of view.
Here the narrator, who is awaiting his own hanging, explains to the audience his reasons for killing two American soldiers in an attempt to save an Indian family from a savage beating:
On our way there, I uncomfortably noticed the surrounding chaotic round-ups; screaming mothers begged troops to let them find their children while bayonets ruthlessly slashed and jabbed all unmercifully. That night I happened to encounter a pitiful Cherokee family of four being struck and prodded with bayonets by soldiers.
. . . . Around lunch time, Scott called for the troops to gather for an execution. An Indian attempted to escape with his family, but they were captured by pursuing troops; the Indian and his two sons were immediately sentenced to death. The nastiest surprise came when their fellow Cherokee were forcefully made to enlist in the firing squad. Some soldiers started to roar with laughter at this humiliation. I, however, was too petrified to even move. Helplessly, I watched as the Indians were executed one by one to the wailing and lamenting of their friends and family.
While the voice of the narrator is not as prominent in this example as in some of the other papers, the depth of research is clear. In addition to historical facts, Zhiyun found information that documented the human side of this tragedy. One of her sources described how an Indian was executed for trying to escape, and she used that incident as the catalyst that drove her narrator to a breaking point. She also learned that the soldiers used bayonets if the Cherokee did not follow orders.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Essay 3-Will Kim

Many people may think that paper exams, written exams, and the tests that reveals only one’s diligence and brain can evaluate one’s value. Well, I believe that this world is now shifting its gears into a more globalized standard.
Currently, as this world is rapidly changing and becoming more globalized, many universities, companies, and employees are demanding not only technology, but also an ability to interact with one another. In another words, this world is demanding a global leadership. Some examples of global leaderships are the followings: international voluntary service, experience in the foreign country, linguistic abilities, and so on. To give a good example of why this world is becoming globalized, I will be specifically talking about universities, companies, and employers.
First, university entrance exam, which only tested the student’s comprehension of only studying, is now decreased. This is due to the fact that, people these days now realize that only evaluating one’s value (I know it is kinda awkward to use this word in meaning to human, but I’ll just use it) by the outcome of exam score was not a great idea. So, in order to fill in the deficiency of formal evaluation standards, meeting the demands of the things this world wants was the only answer. Test, which was a played a large role, is now in the minor league and extracurricular activities such as science competitions, other tests, math competitions, and recommendations stepped up in the stage. So in conclusion, written examination will be puffed into written exam plus oral test plus extracurricular activities.
Second, companies and employers want a smart and globalized leader. Viewing from the perspective of the employer, a smart employer would want to hire those who are excellent not only the ones that are brainy, but also those who are able to interact with the world. Interacting with the world means linguistic fluency, eloquent speaking, experience with an outsider, and so on.
Lastly, looking from a larger spectrum, this nation is looking for those who are really able to cooperate internationally. Examples are president, diplomats, congressman, and ect. Because handling a national matter must be extremely cautious and careful, the ones that are holding the powers are in great responsibilities. Must not lose, but must not destroy the relationships with one another.
I strongly support these upcoming ideas because they seem more realistic if we look at the needs of this world. There are may be some people who just don’t do well on written exams. Giving them a chance of more open doors might lead one’s school or nation to find the ones that needs to be where they really should be. Evaluating one’s value by a paper is not logical. It is pathetic. Well maybe they can figure out who is smart or not, but they will never be able to figure out who is suited for something by some papers. I believe that written exam exists because it is there to evaluate the most basic thing: diligence. If one cannot even prove that he or she is a diligent worker, then how could they be able to work under the standard that demands more great diligence and responsibilities? It just does not make any sense!
In conclusion, due to the rapid changing of this world, I am standing up for the fact that global interactions and extracurricular activities are just as important as paper exams.

Cindy essay : 3

 Euthanasia means behavior that make person or animal to die with less pain and it performance by patient or their family's agreement. And they do it with some medicine mostly. 'Euthanasia'? Is it a right way?

 “Even thought I were ask by patient, I will not prescribe any medicine letting them die. And I will not suggest to do it. "
- Hippocratic Oath

 Yes. I want to be part of the opposite opinion at 'Euthanasia'. There are few reasons why I against about Euthanasia.

 At first, Euthanasia can make society becoming insensible about death. If there are more and more increase of Euthanasia, people will think that Euthanasia is not important thing at all. And it also cause decrease of value and dignity of life.

 Secondly, there are lot of possibility of danger that euthanasia can use for a wrong purpose. Euthanasia is not officially safety way yet. So it can cause many terrible malpractice. But we don't have any safety device to stop all of that problems.

 The conclusion, Euthanasia is distinctly criminality. Because, Euthanasia pass off with purpose and plan so it take part of murder. And it means against to the 'Right to life'. It can be fatal to society order than human have to keep. Euthanasia is also dislocated with ethnics and morality.

 To summarize, there are three reasons why I against to euthanasia. First one is about value and dignity of life and next one is possibility of danger that can cause by Euthanasia. Last one is about criminal nature of Euthanasia.

 Even though there seems no hope suffering from incurable illness, we should let him know that still he is worthy leaving because God has great plan for him. Somebody can be recovered miraculously and even with the illness he can possibly give a good influence to the people around him. Just like all baby are joy to their parent, even though doing anything, we, ourselves are joy in God's eyes. Even though you cannot do anything special, due to the illness.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sieun: Essay3

Should we protect the environment or develop?

         The world could seem like it is becoming a better place to live. Since it keeps developing and making new things, people could live easier or even happier. But, it is because they do not know exactly what is happening to the environment around us. People argue a lot rather they should develop more buildings or if they should protect. I argue that they should definitely protect the environment for the following reasons.
         To start with, protecting the environment is needed since we have harmful poisonous and harmful particles in our air, water and soil. As people build new buildings and apartments, they cut down lots of trees and plants. Since we have very bad pollution these days, it is hard for us to have fresh air without trees and mountains. Now most developing countries or emerging economies face the similar problem. We find that there are poisonous and harmful particles in our air, water and soil.
         In agricultural development period, we take environmental issues for granted because that was a time when people’s impact on earth was not big enough. When industry is developed, environmental cost was neglected. Trees were logged, water and soil were contaminated. Suddenly we find the fish in the river or lake dead. Over a period of ten or twenty years, our rivers even disappeared due to over use of water and climate change.
          To solve the first problem, factories and business must take their social responsibilities. Whatever they produce, they must treat the water before they discharge. Also to prevent soil pollution, both farmers and industry need to take action. The farmers’ use of chemical fertilizers can cause pollution both to soil and water.
           Second, not only the needs of fresh air and water, the animals are having no place to live. They cut down all the trees in the mountains and harm their home. This is why animals are disappearing. Animals are gifts from God and our job is to protect them and live with them, not break their territories.
           In conclusion, I think that we should stop developing for ourselves but protect our environment.

Gandi`s essay three

Essay 3

My argument is for Korea`s educational system. First, it is a cramming method of teaching. Second, everything is a competition in the Korea student society. Third, the studying is not for how to live a student`s life and growing, it is for going to college. Finally, all of this brings out suicide.
First, the method of education in Korea is cramming. It is not made for the student to think and get to the answer it is made for them to memorize just by words. That I think is not studying. It is just rote memorizing. I think this kind of education is not for the students because it is not useful for the students. The students cannot use that information for anything except for the tests.
Second, the Korea education system is all competing against each other. A student who has good grades, are treated nicely by the student and gets loved by them. But the students who has bad grades are treated not so good. This kind of treatment makes the student wants to get good grades. If the student does not go to a good university, they get mistreated by other people. This kind pressure on little students are really heavy to handle.
This kind of pressure makes the students go wrong. Some students takes their friend`s notebook and throws it away because that student might get better grades on the tests and that will make the other student go to a university that is not so good. This is a really wrong behavior and the students know that. So, why do those students make up their minds to do that behavior? My answer is that they were scared. They were scared if they might get more bad grade than the other student. They were scared that they cannot go to a better university and that they might be ignored by the people who went there.
Third, the studies that the students do in schools are not for learning and using that information to live a better and helpful life, they are learning those things to go to a better university. Many students in Korea, they think about what they want to do in their lives after that go to college and those thoughts were supposed to be done in high school. They are late because they only knew about studying and going to a better university in high school.
This kind of education is really bad and it is ruining a person`s life. If a student studies really hard without no reason just because his/her parents told them to study. And he/she goes to a really good medical university and becomes a doctor. Do you think he can become a better doctor than a person who wanted to become a doctor for specific reasons and always prepared and always prayed for that job? I think it is a no. A job a person choose should be thought over and over again I think. That I think should be done in high schools.
Finally, all of this really bad education and the competition system, brings out a horrible situation. It leads to suicide. I think and everyone thinks that suicide is a really bad thing. Korea`s student suicide rate is the world`s best. I think this is directly related to the educational system in this country because half of the time of the students` life is spent in the school.
For conclusion, the educational system should be changed