Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Alice essay #3

  Do you have any interest in north korea? If you don;t .. how can you???
I'm mad and curious at the same time  for south korean not paying any attention to northkorean.
I think many of them lost the sense of same people with north korean.These day I read a book about concentration camp filled with innocent people educated themselve as animal never heard of human's right.
I agrue that government should implement attentive policy for northkorean who escaped from northkorea.

  First,Most north korean have come to korea through china.
The journey is not easy.Eventhough they escaped to china which is usually the first course they take,they get to face the obstacles.As they don 't have any money and have no idea how to make a living , they have no choice but to go hand in hand with chinese who sell them in some market or make them work in very dangerous place giving unreasonable sallary.Most woman get sold for 5 or 6 doallars and become sex toy.Man works in a place where chinese hide them.So the one who came to korea after experiencing all these suffering tends to not believe people.They need education desparately.Government should build a school .

First, school edaucation should contain letting them to see their country in right way.
Most of north korean have brainwashed by country to serve 김정일 in every way .So it is usual to believe and serve  김정일. Just a little amount of  North korean defector know the real fact about김정은 and their country in world's view.Most of North korean defector don't know fact about him .As they were citizen of North korea ,it is important to know about their country in right way whether they are South korea citizen.

 Second, school should  teach they have 'Human right'.As I said before they  have gone through lots of suffering, Lot of them have betrayed by people and have known themselves as animal or even less than that .Some of them don't even have victim mentality because they have spent their most of life treated as animal in concentration camp.But changing the mind is not that easy as it seems. It can take a while it's worth it for it can make them to live augustly in our new country.\

 Third, school should help them to speak north korea language which is little differnt from north korea.
Even though many North korean defectors came into korea. South korean get to suprise and avoid Northkorean by their language.By teaching them south koream language they can get the job more easily and associate with other people naturally. I think this little work reducing the difference in language is the way to help Northkorean have first step in our society.It's really important.

Fourth, school should offer the jobs.
For woman, they  usually get jobs in restaurant. For man, they work for labor.
They usually stay lawer class.They need a job where they can work with their talent.They also have to have a chance to achieve one's dream.Since they have done whatever Northkorean government told them to, they are not used to find and dream what they really want to be.Making them to dream and offering the process to achieve dream  should be given by school  .

  Lastly, school should  help and protect those who want to inform others about North korean.
There are spies of North korea .When North korea defectors publish a book , risk follows naturally.
As North korea is known for despotic country and doesn't communicate with other countries, everything happens in there remain to be secret especially about concentration camp.Many defectors who experience the new world have sorrow in their country . School should let them publish a book and make them stand to tell others about their country.It requires lot of attention so the government should join these too.

  For these reaon , I argue that  government should implement attentive policy for North korea defector.
How can our coutry send back  the defectors who have dreamed to find freedom in our country??Also, we need to study about their country and don't loose a sense of same people.I think most of people try to avoid the country just next to us because it seems to look so heavy to them.There are so many people who want to come to our country just for freedom not honor ,money and popularity which we are able to seek in rich.
As we are christian , we should help them because we are the ones who have more not ours but what god gave.


  1. Alice,

    Is your argument for bringing more attention or for making the school? I feel like your focus is on both of these but the main portion of your essay is about the school. So can you tell us more about what else the government can do for the attentive policy?

  2. My opinion is same as what Lauren said. Your topic is what I'm interested in, too. I want to hear more about what government should do relationship with North Korea.
    And please do proper capitalizing and spacing. It makes readers a lot easier to read. Your essay structure, however, is good. It was easy to find out what you want to say, since you just directly wrote main points at the first of the paragraphs.
    I have a question. There are many organizations that put what you mentioned on your essay to true. Do you think our government should supports them, or build another independent school instead?

  3. Alice! I strongly agree with you that we should care more about North Korea and strain our ears to North Korea.
    So do you agree with unification of North and South Korea?

  4. I'm agree with your essay, we have to pay attention to same Korean people. Do you think do we have to do absorbing unification or peace unification? and Why?

  5. It was a very interesting topic, and the fact you have described was really hurt.
    However, I was uncomfortable when I found a word 'sex toy'.
    This word was too violent, and I think this would be kind of insult to who was a victim of the case you have wrote.
    However, How will you going to persue who objects that our students learn more about North Korea and the adults should pay attention on North Korea thorugh the media?

  6. By your essay I can feel how you are angry about people not paying attention to those creepy situation happening in North Korea. Also it shows your truly worrying about them those treated like animals. Because of your essay, I want to know more about them and I'm getting interest in them! Thanks:) I have a question. What is the reason that we should especially help North Korea? Well in the world, there are many people having hard time because of the war or whatever the reason is. Is it just because we are in the same nation? Only that reason? I'm curious about it:)
