To begin with, I would like to talk about the Essay class first. In this year, I think one of my best improvement is writing an essay. I didn't have any knowledge about structure or logical way of writing. But suddenly, the essay class came to me as a shock. I have never heard that thesis should have all the main ideas in one sentence, and transitions make smooth flow of essay, and in conclusion, there should restate the thesis, and finally, Go out with a BANG! Due to the fact that these informations were brand new to me, thus I was very excited to learn about writing an essay. It really motivated me.
More over, the style of the class that is arranged since fall semester was AWESOME. The idea that publishing+commenting an essay at the blog and the topics for the essay were really brilliant. I was able to learn things which I haven't met from presenter, so it extended my horizon of the knowledge. Also, it was so interesting to argue and discuss about the topics that we were held. This way of conversation helped me to think in a variety ways, and more deeply.
I really appreciates to Miss Lauren and my friends to allow me this great chance and good memories. I really enjoyed it.
As much as important as the essay class, the work of the school's council president taught me numerous things. It consumed plenty of my time, and it also gave me stress quite enough, but it were so much valuable and meaningful experiences made me to think a lot. I think this was capable because our school was very special in many ways, and either are we. To be cool-headed, there was no great accomplishment in our progress of establishing self control regulation that is visible, but our school came through many valuable lessons.
To be specific, I realized what we are doing here is a small-edited replica of our society's politic. I firmly believe that opinions or attitudes we are holding in this community will be our figure exactly when we grow up. We tried to establish a rule in many aspects of our student life to moderate to be concentrated on training to be real christian. But in fact, a major of the student didn't want to restrict their life with public's opinion, so they just keep up with apathy or objected for regulation. We tried many things like debates and surveys for example, but still majority couldn't recognize what is given to them. This was the true nature of our minds, and including my self, we're not much as different as non- christian, without the fact that who believes received a salvation.
However, I learned the part of real 'Democracy' 's figure that democracy allows most of the power to the citizen, therefore, if citizen's express the careless or be subjective about the policy, the community cannot run anymore. I was able to find another point of view, that this circumstances of school is our sum of behaviors result, whatever it is, without exceptions, and still we're responsible for our school and have many chances to express our opinion or ideas actively if we have a care on it.
While I'm reflecting my days calmly, the sudden bitterness strikes me from the aspect of my faith. Faith, I'm well tamed to this word. I'm being in a christian school thus educated by the biblical ways, and get saturated by the terms of Christianity. But in this year, my self recognized that the separation between knowledge and the life got deepen. The reason why I suffered is because I was actually struggling for my own sin very hard. While it's progress, it made many scars in my morality and conscience, that expressed in vomiting almost closely. Also my daily life and emotions and thoughts have been impoverished.
From this experience, I learned that faith doesn't build by what one educated. Faith can be grow up only when oneself struggles for it, holds to it, and follows it. It was a word. The bible. I cannot guarantee that I overcame my weakness, but at this point, it seems like I did it. Only thing that I can do is being cautious from now on .
There are still many things that I can reflect my self, but I think these three topics were quite enough amount to share. I wish I could grow up more and more in many aspects of my life. And the most important lesson of this year was whether I want or not, It's wise to live and struggle for God. I was being so anxious to live against God. In addition, nothing of me was done without God's grace. I sometimes live with misguided belief like I'm something, but I'm not. This truth doesn't make my self esteem low anymore. I'm ready to accept this, and I'm still on training. I thank God to be allowed this year, people's I met, weaknesses of myself, enjoyments, sufferings, struggles, the communities, and even things I couldn't guessed.
"But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." Job 23:10
"But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." Job 23:10
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