Monday, November 5, 2012

james's argument for...

my argument for Korea's media using problem.

I think that our country will be very ruined. I'm going to talk about korea's media problem. I will talk aout watching tv, cellphones that we use, computer games that people are doing.

First problem is about TV. Maybe all the citizens in this country has a TV in thier home(if they have home). But TV doesn't have much advantages. When people are board or has a freetime, they tern on the TV. If you tern some TV there is many channels but not many that are helpful. News and documentary can be one of them. when you see TV, the time goes faster than you think. It wastes your time. Also when people watch TV, they can't think.

TV's bad affect doesn't belong in your own. Before when there was no TV, children played outside with friends and families. TV blocked families talk. Not for every home, but many fathers and children doesn't talk when they are togather at home. just comes in and watch TV.

Second problem is about cellphone. in these days. people use smartphone in this country. Even young kids uses it. The phone distracts from concentrating on something. The concentration of one person is being trained. If the kids uses the smratphone, the unrestrained use of smart phone will make children fool.

Also there is a social problem. There are teenagers that contact with friends with cellphone. Some how some teenagers do conversation well in sns but not in offline. It makes people not often in real world. This make some of people hikikomori.

Last thing is about computer games. In young age, we have time to play. There is many thing to play of. But most of teens are playing by going pc room or computer game in house. Not only teens, kid who are in ellementary school. They also does the game in computer and samrtphone. many other hobby are not popular.

Another thing is that most of the games are violence. And It makes people become violence. Brain doesn't think when person do game, game make some hormones dead and it will make the person to become violence. no good for human.

As I said in this essay the media has all the bad effect on growing up. This things will lead korea to a bad country. We should be away from the medias or be a great restrainer(?). No doubt about it.


  1. James,

    I too am amazed at how media is increasing its influence in Korea starting at such a young age. Over-stimulation has proven to be a large factor of student's Attention Deficit Disorder in their adolescence and adulthood as well as their critical thinking skills and reading comprehension. What do you suggest parents should do to help their kids not be overly exposed to media at a young age? How can schools not over use media, but still make if effective for learning (like in this class!)? How does understanding the christian worldview and biblical story help us with this issue?

  2. I don't watch television. I don't have a cellphone. And I don't play computer games. (hahahahahahaha)
    I surely agree with your essay. It's going to one of the most serious problem in Korea and we should deal with it.
    Your essay would be great if there's no grammatical errors and typos, including mis-capitalization or 'tern', etc. And I think your essay should have supports. For example, you are saying that mental health of people who watch television is bad compare to those who don't watch television. But you don't have any evidence supporting it. Having such supports is VERY important in argument (or persuasive) essay.
    Anyway, here's my question. You said that you have no doubt that we should be away from media. So, are you really doing it? What do you think we should do to do so?

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  3. James! I agree that the media have a lot of bad influence in our lives.
    Do you think we should get rid of all media?

  4. James, I agree with your idea. Media gave me nothing but scars.
    I hope you to revise your essay few times to fix grammar and spelling.
    However, we nearly realize that there's no way to get free from the media in this generation. Media is EVERYWHERE.(Maybe except in shower booth) We cannot get rid of the contact with media.
    Then, what should we do to not be dependent on media or not to be influenced by media?

  5. You have many grammar mistakes like aout(about)or board(bored). Oh, I remember something, Einstain's predict "I fear the day tha technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." Do you have some opinions about the way to change?

  6. Summary:
    Korea's media culture is very ruined. In free time, people watch TV. So it blocks communication of families and it makes people not to think.
    Cell phone influence people many bad effects. People can't concentrate on something. Also it blocks peers communication in offline. Cell phone makes hikkikomori.
    Computer game command absolute majority in children's playing culture. It is a very bad phenomenon. Computer game also makes people violence.
    So we should rid of the media in our daily life.

    1. I agree with your essay. There's not many children playing in playground or nature.
      Why do we use media in bad ways even if we know that it is bad for us?

  7. I think the media problem is a huge problem we must settle and teach people how to use them the right way:) I liked your essay and I surely agree with it! In your essay I see a word hikikomori. What does this word mean?
