Saturday, November 3, 2012

I don't like to change 4 river in Korea - Wayne

Argument for 4-river refurbishment project
     The world's 4 civilization came from Nile, Yellow, the Indus and the Tigris River. From old days, river has been important for the prosperity of nations or cities. In theSouth Korea, there is also 4 main river that makes people farm better in the past which is Han, Geum, Nak-Dong and Yeong-San rivers. That 4 rivers are very important.

     Lee Myung-Park, 17th President of Korea was determined and decided to change Korea's 4 river that is named the Four-River Restoration Project. Korea needs toprevent flood damage. Secondly, we need to secure water resources, and water improvement. Lastly, they do it because of development of that area.

     It seems like a good project, but I oppose to this project. Because it costs too much money, nature has to be existed natural, it is not effective to block flood, andlastly, no increasing job.

     Nature is the best to be preserved. By 4 river refurbishment, there will be existed some positive things, but nature is made from God. River has the own purpose that God gave. We can't destroy or change what God made, we have to keep it. For example, few months ago, in that four rivers turn green because the government made a dam to keep water for drought.However, there is another problem, because of a dam more than 10 thousand tons of trashes are blocked by it. Additionally, that dam is not so strong, so water is leaking.

      Furthermore, it costs too much money. 22 trillion won is a budget of this project. It is not 22 billion. It is 22 trillion. It is too large money to realize how big. 21 trillion won is aone-year budget of Seoul. Moreover, we can soar welfare to societies who are destitute and neglected. So 22 trillion won is wasting money. In Korea, welfare is the most important andbig problem that has to be solved.

      This project is progressing to block flood. However, freshwater is not only visible. They exist as the groundwater, mostly. This groundwater flow under the ground, at thedownstream ground water join to freshwater or go to the sea. In other words, blocking upstream and controlling quantity of water can't completely control the flood.

      The government hope there will be many jobs in this project. They calculate more than 340 thousand people will have a job. However, the problem is constructing industry and civilengineering industry is different. In case of construction industry, they need not only heavy machine, but also many people, constructing industry depends on a heavy machine, so theactual employment will decrease.

      4 river refurbishment project has some benefit that is necessary to us. However, there are too big disadvantages that can cover the benefit. So I think the government has to stop4 river project, and start to restore those rivers. 


  1. Nice essay. The project is very useless project. I hope that next president will do better than MB.
    What do you want(like policy) for Korea's next president?

  2. Okay I have learned some through your essay.
    Didn't realize there were huge amount of cash spent.
    Who would you vote for the next president?

  3. Wayne,

    You did a good job explaining the proposed advantages and your reasons against them in the essay. My question is why is there a big need to restore the rivers in the first place? Also, do you have a proposed solution that would help the river issues but not spend as much money?

  4. I could learn about the four river project by your essay!
    I agree with you but I think it is worse that it's bad for the environment.
    How did you know about this four river project?

  5. I've just heard about this project few months ago. And I'm still confusing about it little bit because I heard some people saying that this was necessary for our economy.
    Anyway, I think you missed a big thing. What's the 4 rivers?

    1. It's on the essay man 'there is also 4 main river that makes people farm better in the past which is Han, Geum, Nak-Dong and Yeong-San rivers.'

  6. Thank you for sharing your idea about the 4 river refurbishment.
    I've seen this topic many times in the news.
    However, I found that The Christian Council of Korea has expressed to the media they strongly support the 4 river enterprise. What's your thought about it's political opinion? please share it freely.
