These days, novels with magic and the supernatural are sweeping the globe, enjoyed by young adults and adults alike. Escaping the real world into a world that can only be imagined is exciting and allows readers to open their minds and escape reality for a time. Some examples of these are the Twilight series, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars, and Harry Potter. The Harry Potter series became an incredible phenomenon as teenagers and adults ate up the seven book series within days, and filled up the theaters as each movie came out during the last several years. Novels are a powerful tool for ones imagination and excitement. It is one of these novels that I believe is one of the most profound stories I have ever read. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last book in the series, is my favorite novel due to its picture of friendship, its ability to evict emotion, and its spiritual depth.
In the Deathly Hallows, we already know who the main characters are and the ultimate goal is: to find all the horcruxes that contain the soul of Voldemort, the Dark Lord, and destroy them so he may be destroyed and the wizarding world may be safe once again. But in this book the friendships are challenged more than ever before and the reader is unsure of if they will prevail. J.K. Rowling, the author of the novel, allows some time in the middle of the book for questioning and doubt between the sacred friendship of Ron and Harry, a trial nearly every human goes through with a close friend. But towards the end of the story, as Harry is walking what he believes is his walk to death, is thinking of those friendships he has and how they are worth everything to him, even to the point of death. Thus the book shows real evidence of the ups and downs that happen in relationships all throughout life, but true friendship will last, and sacrifice is the proof of the cost it may take.
As the novel delves deep into the human trial of relationships, it triggers nearly every emotion that can be felt. The audience feels the longing of restoration as Harry leaves those he loves with his two close friends to find the horcruxes. No one knows if he will ever return. There is tension and uncertainty as the task seems to large to bear. Readers understand such tasks in their lives as well, and know the feeling of seeing down a dark tunnel with no light. As the novel reaches its climax, surprises along the way shock in a way that changes everything we've known for the last six books. Confusing, relief, and confoundment may all be felt at once, and then finally sorrow, as Harry must make the ultimate sacrifice...his own death to save the world. Never had I read a book that so captures the emotions of humanity so well in one story, that while is totally fiction, is also incredibly relatable.
Finally, within the emotion and relationships lies a story that carries a spiritual depth one must be blind to not see. As Harry walks to his death, his mind is plucked and the reader is brought back to a man in Gethsemane who prayed with beeds of sweat and blood in his death preparation. Sacrifice for those loved is no new concept, rather it is the deepest connection humans can wrestle and find healing from as they search for the ultimate meaning and purpose in life. Harry Potter reveals it: sacrifice and love. Love so deep to sacrifice brings us back to the One who paid the price for all humanity: those he loves. Because humans are made after a Maker, not one person can't not see the beautiful picture this story paints regardless of their belief system and that is why his novel is the best one I have read.
Therefore, it is in my best interest that everyone read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. While reading other six books beforehand is helpful, if there is not time reading this book is still profitable. It's story of friendship contains elements nearly anyone involved in any kind of relationship can relate to. And these characters and their stories evoke nearly all kinds of emotion experienced by a person. Finally, its climatic resolution along with many other elements of the story, contain a spiritual depth that link its readers to a place in their hearts where they can find truth and real purpose. This book is a must read for any and every demographic, religion, and person who enjoys reading.
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